Octa's transportation blog

Three Transportation Agencies Share Rideshare Marketing Tips

In support of their respective rideshare programs, OCTA, LA Metro and the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) presented information to employer representatives interested in sharing information about public transportation. Workshop attendees master skills that build awareness about alternatives to one-person car journeys and earn marketing certificates.

Topics included marketing tips for vanpool, low-budget promotions, the Guaranteed Ride Home program and Bike Month. OCTA offers a variety of ridesharing resources and will launch its Bike Month promotion in May.

Approximately 200 people attended the most recent Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC) Workshop that supports corporate South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) requirements.

For more information about OCTA’s ETC or rideshare programs, contact Kristopher Hewkin at khewkin@octa.net.