Octa's transportation blog

June Was a Busy Month for Celebrating Diversity in the Community

Last month, the OCTA team connected with a combined total of more than 1,350 community members at two events and shared information about OC Bus, OC Streetcar, the Youth Ride Free Program, and several freeway improvement projects.

Celebrating Pride Month on June 24, OCTA staff members shared transportation information at OCTA’s first-time engagement at the OC Pride Parade and Festival in downtown Santa Ana, steps away from the new OC Streetcar tracks.

OCTA Directors Vincente Sarmiento, Jessie Lopez, and Katrina Foley joined approximately 5,000 others at the event, which included two performance stages, a stage for diverse dialogue, a zone for kids and teens, and food trucks. 

OCTA's bustling booth. was among the more than 50 resource booths with nonprofits, public agencies, education institutions, faith groups, restaurants, and other businesses.  

Approximately 1,200 community members and their four-pawed pals visited the OCTA booth.

Earlier in the month on June 17, the OCTA team set up a promotional table at a Juneteenth festival at Centennial Park in Santa Ana. Community members were given materials about OC Bus, other transportation services, and the Teen Council, and participated in a transportation survey. OCTA welcomed about 150 visitors at this family-friendly event that celebrated freedom and new opportunities.