Octa's transportation blog

2023 Strategic Initiatives Mid-Year Milestones

Each year in January, OCTA CEO Darrell and the OCTA Board Directors approve an action plan of milestones to be accomplished during the year. In the first six months of 2023, 25 of the milestones have been completed.

Highlights include:

  • The Goldenwest Street bridge was completed and opened to traffic in June as part of the I-405 Improvement Project.
  • The board awarded $33.5 million to seven projects that will improve busy streets and intersections through the Measure M Regional Capacity Program.
  • The board awarded $3.7 million to three projects that will synchronize traffic signals throughout the county through the Measure M Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program.
  • The board approved a $1.7 billion balanced budget for fiscal year 2022-23, making significant investments in public transit and improvements to Orange County’s freeways and streets to keep the county moving safely and efficiently.
  • OCTA saved $5.5 million following the refinancing of the 91 Express Lanes bonds.
  • The board approved the final draft of the Long-Range Transportation Plan, which was submitted to the Southern California Association of Governments as input into the Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy.