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About OCTA
Independent Review Shows OCTA is Successfully Delivering on Commitment…
OCTA remains on track to improve Orange County’s transportation network, according to the recent findings of an independent Measure M2 Performance Assessment.
About OCTA
OCTA Seeks Applicants for Taxpayer Oversight Committee
OCTA is seeking qualified volunteers to serve on the Taxpayer Oversight Committee, which ensures transportation funds are being spent as intended.
About OCTA
Tam T. Nguyen Reappointed as OCTA Public Board Member
OCTA reappointed Orange County small-business owner Tam T. Nguyen to serve as one of two public members on the board.…
About OCTA
Career Expo Attracts More Than 150 Students
Students from 14 schools visited OCTA headquarters in Orange on March 4 to attend OCTA’s 10th Annual Careers in Transportation Expo.
Freeway & Streets
SR-91 Improvement Project Gets Underway Enhancing Mobility, Safety and…
Local, state and federal officials gathered on March 7 to commemorate the launch of the SR-91 Improvement Project, a significant effort aimed at improving mobility, enhancing safety and overall traffic flow along one of Orange County’s busiest transportation corridors.
Freeway & Streets
City Officials Tour 405 Express Lanes
A group of city officials toured the 405 Express Lanes on March 3 to learn more about the role of the managed lanes in improving regional travel.
Service Animals & Trainers Ride Transit for Free on April 5
Twice a year, service animals and their trainers gather at the Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARTIC) for a chance to ride the bus for free in a controlled environment while taking in the sights and sounds of Downtown Disney District and Anaheim Garden Walk.
Rideshare & Active
Daylight Saving Time Safety Tips for Drivers & Pedestrians
On Sunday, March 9, it will be time to spring forward by turning the clock ahead one hour.