Octa's transportation blog

Today’s Vanpools Are Better than Ever

Today’s vanpools are very different than they used to be. In a good way.

For example, technology is simplifying the whole process of vanpooling. Searching for potential vanpool partners? No problem. With OCTA’s Seatfinder, you can locate an existing vanpool that meets your needs in a matter of minutes – or be waitlisted until the right one comes along.  Managing your monthly vanpool reporting? That’s gotten simpler, too. OCTA’s soon-to-be released app will improve the efficiency of the vanpool reporting process, a step that’s particularly important to vanpool coordinators.

In addition, vanpool vehicles look and perform better than ever. OCTA works with two van providers that offer a variety of vehicles ranging from the traditional multi-seat van to luxury crossovers with leather seats. If you’re the vanpool driver who gets to take the vehicle home and use it on the weekends, that style factor could make a difference.

Perhaps it’s time to consider a vanpool. If you commute more than 15 miles to work and are interested in saving money each month, you’re a perfect candidate. Our vanpool program can help you get started.

OCTA helps both employers and individual commuters with their vanpool plans and also provides $400 worth of assistance per month for each van. Visit here to learn more or contact Kristopher Hewkin at khewkin@octa.net or (714) 560-5331.