Octa's transportation blog

Local Bicycle Events Attract Thousands

Orange County residents turned out in droves recently to visit two local open street cycling events. Nearly 1,000 people went to Santa Ana’s SOMOS (Sunday on Main Open Streets), a 3-mile route open to pedestrians and walkers only, while on the following weekend about 10,000 visited Re:Imagine Garden Grove to experience biking, walking, skating and playing on car-free streets. 

At both events, many dropped by the OCTA booth to learn about BikeShare, OCTA’s bikesharing program in Fullerton, and California’s new Three Feet for Safety Act. This new law went into effect in September, and as part of its campaign to build awareness OCTA created a video PSA that reminds viewers to bike smart, bike safe and give cyclists room to ride. With nearly 404,000 views on Facebook and YouTube, the video has gone viral and is proving a popular and valuable educational tool.