Octa's transportation blog

First Come, First Served for Valuable Vanpool Incentives through October

Through the end of the month, OCTA is offering special deals to those who start a vanpool, including gift cards and substantial discounts. Since these incentives are limited and paperwork approval time may vary, there’s no time like the present to get your vanpool rolling.

All you need are five people with designated pickup location(s) and similar work destinations and work schedules. Commuters who live 15 miles or more from their worksite are prime candidates for this program.

Benefits include saving money, time and wear and tear on your personal vehicle.

Through the end of October, OCTA incentives include a $100 gift card for the lease signer, a $100 group discount per month for the first three months, and a $50 gift card for the referral source. In addition, OCTA provides $400 per month per vanpool for those with worksites in Orange County.

OCTA helps both employers and individual commuters with their vanpool plans. Visit octa.net to learn more or contact Kristopher Hewkin at khewkin@octa.net or (714) 560-5331.