Octa's transportation blog

Employers Will Learn to Promote Ridesharing at OCTA Class

On April 2, OCTA will hold a free class for employee transportation coordinators (ETC) to help them increase participation in their corporate ridesharing programs. Packed with great ideas and practical solutions, the lively two-hour class will include expert presentations and opportunities for networking.

Among other topics, OCTA will share information about National Bike Month activities coming up in May and Perk Pass, an annual bus pass offered through employers that lets employees ride for less.

Those who complete the class will receive certification that helps satisfy SCAQMD requirements. 

OCTA partners with Orange County employers to promote and encourage bus, train, and vanpool use, in addition to carpool and active transportation options. OCTA services includes employer and university bus pass programs, a vanpool program that offers a monthly subsidy, ride matching services, and a Guaranteed Ride Home Program that provides a transportation safety net when an emergency arises on a rideshare day.

OCTA also helps coordinators complete average vehicle ridership surveys to comply with Rule 2202, which governs on-road motor vehicle mitigation options. All services are free to employers and are designed to help promote public transportation and ridesharing at companies throughout Orange County.

For more information, contact Amelia Hsu at (714) 560-5358 or ahsu@octa.net.