On Sunday, March 9, it will be time to spring forward by turning the clock ahead one hour.
While it’s wonderful to get extra hours of daylight, the transition can be challenging. Follow these tips from the Insurance Hotline to minimize the effects of the change and stay safe on the road.
- Go to bed early the days leading up to the time change: Start going to bed early, about 15 minutes each night, leading up to the change in clocks. It will give your body a chance to acclimatize sooner.
- Adjust the timing of your other daily routines: The American Academy of Sleep Medicine suggests that in addition to going to bed early, you should also adjust daily routines that are "time cues" for your body. For example, eating dinner a touch earlier each evening.
- Spring forward in the early evening on Saturday: Set your clocks to spring forward early Saturday evening, then go to sleep at your "regular" bedtime. By doing so, you’re spring forwarding your sleep one night earlier. Stick to your usual bedtime on Sunday too.
- Work from home If you can, work from home as much as you can the week following the switch to Daylight Saving Time. That way, you can avoid other drivers who might be feeling the effects of a lack of sleep.
- Make sure you can see and be seen: In the morning, you may be heading out when it is dark. Make sure you turn on your headlights, use your turn signals as needed, and approach intersections and crosswalks with caution.
- Give your car the buffer it needs: Keep your distance on the road to ensure you have the space needed to slow down safely when traffic stops ahead of you.
- Don’t drive distracted: It is always important - no matter the time of year - but worth the reminder: Don’t drive distracted. Turn the radio down, eat your breakfast or drink your coffee at home or your destination, and hold all calls (even if it is hands-free) for later.
- Bring your sunglasses along for the ride: The shift in time may mean that you’re now driving home while the day is still bright. Make sure you’ve got a pair of sunglasses in the car.