Octa's transportation blog

Collaboration Results in Bus Service Improvement at Gilbert High School

OCTA Vice Chair Doug Chaffee, also the Fourth District Supervisor, recently attended a civic engagement forum at Gilbert High School in partnership with OCTA to address student rider concerns about afternoon bus scheduling. Students sent an email petition advocating for a change.

"It's inspiring to see our youth actively participating in the democratic process,” said Vice Chair Chaffee. “We greatly value their input, and their commitment to advocating for their needs and making positive changes in our community is commendable."

OCTA appreciates rider feedback and will be making adjustments to the service.

“It’s always great to see the enthusiasm of students who understand public transportation’s many benefits. At OCTA, we are committed to delivering safe and convenient bus service and we always welcome the input of our riders to help us achieve our goals,” said Johnny Dunning Jr., OCTA’s Chief Operating Officer, who met with students at Gilbert High School to discuss the bus system and how it’s planned. “We really appreciate the students’ interest, and we hope they’ll continue to ride OC Bus for many years to come.”

The collaborative effort among Vice Chair Chaffee, OCTA, and Gilbert High School reflects a commitment to open dialogue and finding solutions that enhance the public transportation experience, so services align with the needs of the students and residents they serve.