Octa's transportation blog

Chalk, Walk & Roll Contest Showcases the Art of Active Transportation

What does active transportation look like from a kid’s perspective? To find out, as part of its Chalk, Walk & Roll contest OCTA gave students at seven Orange County schools the opportunity to create chalk art pieces related to active transportation activities such as walking and biking.

Pictures of the colorful artwork were posted on Facebook so followers could vote for their favorites. The middle school and high school entry with the most “likes” - Jeffrey Trail Middle School in Irvine and Santa Ana Valley High School - will each receive either a bike or skateboard rack. More than 1,300 votes were cast as part of the promotion, which reached 12,000 Facebook users. Prizes were donated by the American Bicycle Security Company, Boardloch and Ground Control Systems.

This contest was launched as part of the development of OC Active - Orange County's Bike + Pedestrian Plan, the first comprehensive countywide effort to identify transportation needs and opportunities for walking and bicycling. The collaborative effort will incorporate detailed work already conducted by local cities and identify pedestrian and bicycle improvement areas throughout Orange County. Learn more about the plan here.

To provide feedback on your experience as a pedestrian in Orange County, please complete the OC Active Survey here