Octa's transportation blog

$25.8 Million Awarded to Improve Biking, Walking in OC

 OCTA awarded a total of $25.8 million to 10 Orange County cities and the County of Orange to improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities.

Projects were awarded through the federally funded Orange County Bicycle Corridor Improvement Program (BCIP) to 17 projects that increase safety, provide linkages to key destinations, close bikeway gaps and improve air quality across the county. These projects include bicycle lanes, crossing signals, and multi-use (walking and cycling) trails.  The 17 projects that were approved for funding are located in Brea, Buena Park, Costa Mesa, Irvine, La Habra, Mission Viejo, Orange, Placentia, Santa Ana, San Clemente and the County of Orange.

The approved program of projects valued at $43.33 million, including local agency funds, increased the BCIP total program value to $80.51 million worth of projects that will contribute to improving active transportation and mobility options.

For those like the more than 1,000 people who pledged to ride their bikes during OCTA’s Bike Month challenge, such improvements will offer additional opportunities to engage in active transportation. During the May challenge, participants pledged to ride an average of 38 miles to fun (36%), work (29%), errands (26%) and school (9%). These riders indicated that they typically travel by driving alone (28%), biking (21%), walking (17%), carpooling (14%), bus (10%), train (7%), and other (3%).