Octa's transportation blog

Traffic Signal Synchronization Keeps Orange County Moving

OCTA’s signal synchronization program provides competitive funding to cities and the county to time traffic lights on long stretches of streets to improve traffic throughout the county.

Since 2008, OCTA has funded 79 projects that have synchronized more than 2,700 intersections across 705 miles. The projects have improved travel times, reduced congestion and increased the number of continuous green lights drivers see during their daily commutes. The program has also helped Orange County drivers save money, consume less fuel and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

OCTA is currently allocating $50.3 million to fund an additional 29 signal synchronization projects that are either planned or underway. Once completed, these projects will synchronize an additional 1,000 traffic signals along 250 miles of roadway.

The Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program is part of OC Go (also known as Measure M), Orange County’s half-cent sales tax for transportation improvements.