Every day is a new opportunity to explore ways to share the ride. Hopping aboard a bus or train, riding with friends in a vanpool or carpool, or lacing up your sneakers for a walk or bike ride are all great ways to get around Orange County while helping the environment by taking cars off the road.
Through October, OCTA is offering extra incentives that are all treat, and no trick. Get two free Day Passes here to try commuting on a cool, clean OC Bus or hopping aboard for a shopping trip or a visit to the beach. With 65 routes to great destinations like Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm, and Metrolink stations and express routes to employer hubs in Irvine and Los Angeles, there’s something for everyone.
Start a vanpool by October 31 and receive a $100 gas card and a $100 gas card to use for the group’s gas. Vanpools are a sort of “super carpool” that help riders save time, stress, and money. OCTA provides $400 of assistance per month per vanpool for those with worksites in Orange County. Learn more about vanpools here. For assistance with vanpool plans, contact OCTA Vanpool Specialist Kristopher Hewkin at khewkin@octa.net or (714) 560-5331 for more information.
No matter how you choose to share the ride, OCTA can help. Through its Rideshare Program, OCTA helps commuters, employers and everyday travelers explore alternative modes of transportation.
Promotions are sponsored by Experian™ and Spectrumotion.