Octa's transportation blog

Sharing Transportation Highlights and Career Advice with WTS Students

OCTA recently hosted students from the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) of Orange County Transportation Academy. The Academy offers undergraduate and graduate students an opportunity to learn about the different facets of transportation.

Students participated in a panel discussion following CEO Darrell E. Johnson’s overview of OCTA and the future of transportation. Panelists Rose Casey, Planning Executive Director, Adriann Cardoso, Planning Department Manager, Kim Tucker, Scheduling and Operations Support Department Manager, and Kristin Jacinto, Government Relations Executive Director, shared their professional journeys and current roles at OCTA. The program wrapped up with remarks from Executive Director of People and Community Engagement, Maggie McJilton, who shared her professional experience and encouraged students to include OCTA in their future internship or full-time employment efforts.

Students also had the opportunity to join Tresa Oliveri, OCTA Community Relations Principal, for an OC Streetcar presentation and walking tour showcasing the 4th Street completed track work and station installation in Santa Ana.