Octa's transportation blog

Service Animals & Trainers Ride Transit for Free on April 5

Twice a year, service animals and their trainers gather at the Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARTIC) for a chance to ride the bus for free in a controlled environment while taking in the sights and sounds of Downtown Disney District and Anaheim Garden Walk.

Service animal and therapy animal trainers, program alumni, and their friends and families are invited.

Online and in-person registration are available for the next event on Saturday, April 5. To register on site, attendees can scan the QR code at the check-in booth near Dock 1 and then complete registration.  

OCTA’s Service Animal Training event began in the mid-90s. For 31 years, OCTA has assisted with the training of thousands of service animals while helping those in the community gain increased access to public transportation as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 

Learn more and register here.