Octa's transportation blog

Restoring Aliso Creek: A Closer Look at OCTA’s Environmental Mitigation Efforts

Recently, members of the Environmental Oversight Committee (EOC) toured the Aliso Creek Restoration Project, one of 12 restoration projects funded by OCTA. To restore 55 acres of habitat along Aliso Creek in Laguna Niguel, OCTA provided nearly $1.5 million to the Laguna Canyon Foundation. This project is anticipated to be approved by state and federal wildlife agencies in 2025.

OCTA allocates substantial resources to offset the environmental impacts of freeway projects through the OC Go Environmental Mitigation Program (EMP). Since 2010, OCTA has invested approximately $10 million to restore about 350 acres of open space and more than $42 million to acquire more than 1,300 acres of land across Orange County. This acquisition consists of seven properties and is collectively known as the Preserves.

The Aliso Creek Restoration Project exemplifies OCTA's broader environmental initiatives, balancing transportation infrastructure development with ecological conservation objectives. Removing non-native plant species has enabled native wildlife, including the local turtle population, to thrive once more.

OCTA’ s environmental programs emphasize sustainability and environmental stewardship through habitat improvement and water quality enhancements. Collaborating with local communities, environmental groups, and governments, OCTA implements measures such as native species planting, sediment removal, and stormwater system upgrades. These efforts aim to protect the ecosystem, mitigate flood risks, and enhance recreational opportunities while setting a precedent for responsible urban development and preserving natural environments for future generations.

OCTA's commitment to integrating sustainable practices ensures that future generations can experience efficient transportation options while preserving the beauty and integrity of natural environments.