Octa's transportation blog

Raymond Avenue Closure Now Will Mean Fewer Delays Later

As part of the O.C. Bridges Program, OCTA is working with local cities to eliminate delays and improve safety along the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) train corridor by constructing seven overpasses and underpasses to separate car and train traffic. Two were completed in 2014 and five are under construction.

The City of Fullerton is constructing an underpass at the intersection of Raymond Avenue and the BNSF rail line. As part of this project to enhance safety and improve mobility, Raymond Avenue will be closed for 40 days beginning in early September. For detour information and to sign up for construction updates, please visit this page and click on "Stay Informed".

Safety is the highest priority for both OCTA and the City of Fullerton. Please use caution when traveling through the area and allow extra time to get to your destination.