Octa's transportation blog

Raising Awareness about the I-605/Katella Avenue Interchange Project

OCTA and Caltrans have partnered to study potential improvements to the I-605/Katella Avenue Interchange. On June 29, the agencies hosted a public information meeting in Los Alamitos to raise awareness of the project, known as the I-605/Katella Avenue Interchange Project. Key improvements being considered include modifications to the northbound and southbound ramps, widening Katella Avenue, and improvements to bicycle and pedestrian facilities

The project is in the environmental phase, which is expected to continue through late 2018. The meeting was an opportunity to inform the public about the project and the environmental study process. Approximately 70 residents, business owners and other stakeholders attended. Meeting highlights included exhibits about the project partners, funding and schedule, and discussions about the project’s purpose and need and the environmental review. Attendees also had a chance to meet project staff and share comments about how the I-605/Katella Avenue interchange could be improved.

The project is funded by Measure M, Orange County’s half-cent sales tax for transportation improvements. The I-605/Katella Avenue Interchange Project proposes to improve safety, smooth traffic flow, and improve pedestrian and bicycle pathways. Learn more about it here. Consider signing up here for regular email updates on the project’s status. For additional information or questions, please email the project team at 605katellainfo@octa.net.