Rail safety is an important part of life in Orange County, where trains provide much-needed mobility and goods movement.
To educate residents about the need to use caution around railroad tracks, OCTA launched a new ad campaign and website that offers safety advice and dispels common myths about trains. For example, you can’t always hear a train approaching because they’re very quiet and don’t always sound their horns.
More safety tips:
- Cross only at designated pedestrian or roadway crossings. It’s safer, and crossing anywhere else is illegal. The penalty for trespassing could be your life.
- Stay alert around railroad tracks. Avoid texting, headphones, or other distractions. Today’s trains are very quiet and they don’t always sound their horns.
- Remember that it takes about one mile—the length of 18 football fields—for a train to stop.
- Expect a train at any time. Trains can move in either direction at any time, day or night.
Learn more about rail safety here.