OCTA and Caltrans are proposing a project to improve traffic flow, and enhance pedestrian and bicycle pathways through the I-605/Katella Avenue interchange in the City of Los Alamitos. The public will have several opportunities to provide feedback, including a public hearing on April 24.
The interchange, built in the 1960s, serves thousands of motorists daily, and I-605 is a critical goods movement corridor that connects the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles to the Southern California Basin and beyond.
The I-605/Katella Avenue Interchange Project is funded by Measure M (also known as OC Go), Orange County’s voter-approved transportation investment plan that puts local tax dollars to work. The project is in the environmental phase, which began in mid-2016 and is expected to be completed in late 2018.
The project’s Draft Environmental Document (DED), which addresses project benefits and potential environmental effects, was released on April 9. The DED is available for public review and comment until 5 p.m. May 8. A digital version is posted on the Caltrans website, and hard copies are available during normal business hours at:
- Caltrans District 12 Office, 1750 East 4th St., Suite 100, Santa Ana, CA 92705;
- Los Alamitos City Hall, 3191 Katella Ave., Los Alamitos, CA 90720; and
- Los Alamitos-Rossmoor Library, 12700 Montecito, Seal Beach, CA 90740.
There are several ways to comment:
- Provide comments in person at an open-house style public hearing set for 6 to 8 p.m. April 24, 2018, at the Los Alamitos Community Center, 10911 Oak St. in Los Alamitos. Informational boards will be displayed and project representatives will be available to answer questions.
- Mail comments to:
Gabriela Duran
Caltrans District 12, Division of Environmental Analysis
1750 E. 4th St., Suite 100, Santa Ana, CA 92705 - Submit comments via e-mail to D12.605Katella@dot.ca.gov, or
For more information about the project and to sign up for email alerts, visit the project website. Or follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/605Katella, or on Twitter and Instagram @605Katella.