Octa's transportation blog

OCTA Seeks Feedback on Bus and ACCESS Service

As part of its ongoing effort to improve bus service throughout Orange County, OCTA periodically surveys customers to gauge satisfaction about both fixed-route and ACCESS paratransit service. This important, up-to-date information will help OCTA better understand and respond to customer needs while providing a foundation for future planning, operations, marketing and customer service decisions.

Bus customers can provide feedback online and will be entered in a raffle for an iPad mini once they complete the survey at http://bit.ly/BusSurvey14. The survey will be online until mid-November.

In addition to the online survey, OCTA began conducting on-board surveys of fixed-route bus riders last week. Participants are being asked about their satisfaction with bus service and performance and asked to provide suggestions for improvement. Through mid-November, a total of 2,000 in-transit interviews are planned.
Randomly selected ACCESS riders will have a chance to participate in the survey via their choice of mail and email. Beginning next week, 11,000 ACCESS customers will receive a customized invitation letter/mail survey containing similar questions to those posed to the fixed-route riders.