Octa's transportation blog

OCTA Honors Bus Roadeo Team

Following its winning performance at the American Public Transit Association (APTA) International Bus Roadeo, the OCTA team was honored July 8 by the OCTA Board of Directors.

In May, OCTA competed against other transit agencies from across the United States and Canada that sent both a coach operator and a maintenance team to participate in the APTA Roadeo. 

OCTA’s maintenance team, consisting of Ray Consiglio, Pat Courchaine, and Chris Jordan, competed against 37 other teams and finished in first place.  The maintenance competition tests skills in identifying planted defects in engines, transmissions, a defect bus, HVAC, doors, a multiplex system, and an air brake board and also includes a written exam.  The team achieved two perfect scores and a first-place finish on the defect bus. 

Coach operators are tested on pre-trip vehicle inspection and driving skills. Darvy Traylor, a seasoned Roadeo competitor, placed 32nd out of 78 coach operators participating in the event. 

OCTA has a long history of good performances at the International Roadeo including several top five finishes.