Moving forward, OCTA adopted the updated Next 10 Plan, which outlines how transit, street and freeway, and environmental protection projects will be delivered through 2030 using funds from Measure M, also known as OC Go. The updated plan accounts for impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic.
In 2006, Orange County voters approved the renewal of the Measure M half-cent sales tax for transportation improvements.
“We are proud the Next 10 plan sets a clear path to continue delivering on the Measure M promises to voters,” OCTA Chairman Andrew Do said. “Even with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, sound planning and financial management have translated directly to real benefits for Orange County’s entire transportation system. Whether you take the bus, train, drive, bike or walk, we continue working to make your trip a better one.”
Because of economic impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, the program’s revenue forecast decreased by $1.8 billion from the last estimate and is now expected to generate $11.6 billion through 2041, the life of the sales tax.
Thanks to a history of conservative investments and fiscal responsibility, OCTA remains in a strong financial position to deliver on the promises made to voters and provide transportation benefits early.
Over the next 10 years, the plan will:
- Deliver 14 freeway project segments
- Continue annual endowment deposits for the environmental program
- Return 18 percent of overall funding to local agencies for transportation needs
- Provide annual grants to address street bottlenecks and gaps
- Fund ongoing synchronization of 2,200 traffic signals
- Improve Metrolink operations and stations
- Begin operation of OC Streetcar
- Enhance mobility for seniors and people with disabilities
- Continue support for localized transit options
- Provide grants for annual water cleanup
Learn more about the OC Go Next 10 Plan here.