Octa's transportation blog

OCTA Co-Hosts a Pass Sales Meeting for Social Service Agencies

OCTA, in collaboration with the Employment and Mainstream Benefits Subcommittee for the Commission to End Homelessness, hosted a Social Service Agency Pass Sales Meeting on Thursday, Oct. 3. More than 20 representatives from local non-profit organizations attended, listened to presentations and participated in group discussions.

Presentations covered information on OCTA's operations, when and why fare increases occur, and an overview of operating costs vs. revenue.

In addition, attendees learned about and provided feedback on OCTA's Social Service Agency Bus Pass Distributor Program and Reduced Fare Identification Program. The Social Service Agency Bus Pass Distributor Program was developed in conjunction with a February 2013 fare increase to mitigate the cost of bus passes for non-profit organizations. Eligible organizations receive a 5 percent discount on all bus pass purchases made through OCTA. The Reduced Fare Identification Program allows certain bus riders to ride fixed route buses at a reduced fare. This includes riders ages 60 and older, persons with disabilities, and ACCESS approved clients.

As a result of the meeting, OCTA collected valuable feedback from the social service agencies, which will be further analyzed in an effort to continuously improve programs benefiting those who are less fortunate.