Octa's transportation blog

Metrolink Receives A Grant to Improve Safety at Grade Crossings

Metrolink is one of 10 transit agencies to benefit from a grant from Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI) to help fund awareness campaigns aimed at grade-crossing safety. The $175,000 in funding was awarded through OLI but was provided by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) through a partnership the two entities share going back to 2002.  

“FTA is proud to partner with Operation Lifesaver to support innovative rail transit safety awareness efforts in communities across the U.S.,” said FTA Acting Administrator K. Jane Williams. “Through these grants and outreach efforts like [the U.S. Department of Transportation’s] ‘Stop, Trains Can’t’ Campaign, we are making a difference and saving lives.”

Metrolink’s awareness campaign will include geo-fencing display advertising and English and Spanish radio commercials targeted at males ages 18-39 in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties.

Other recipients include transit agencies in North Carolina, Virginia, Minnesota, Texas (Houston and Fort Worth), New York, California (San Carlos), Pennsylvania, and Florida.

“These transit agencies will put their grant funding towards campaigns focusing on keeping the public safe when driving or walking near commuter trains, light rail or streetcars,” said OLI Executive Director Rachel Maleh. “We appreciate the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) for its work with increasing visibility and awareness of the rail transit safety grant program. Operation Lifesaver is also very grateful to its safety partners at the FTA for providing the funding.”

OLI says the grant amounts range between $7,500 and $20,000 and require each agency to provide a 25 percent match. The educational campaigns will use OLI-approved materials and logos and be coordinated through state Operation Lifesaver programs.