Mobility hubs are locations that bring transportation options and services together in one place. They improve connectivity and convenience by allowing people to easily switch between transportation services including bus, bike and e-scooters, ridesharing and rail. They can also offer supporting amenities, such as electric charging stations, secured bike storage or seating. These hubs are generally located at activity centers near employment, housing and shopping.
The Orange County Mobility Hubs Study will explore how mobility hubs might benefit Orange County residents and visitors, how they could be planned and designed, and identify a potential network of locations. This strategy serves as an opportunity to improve connectivity and increase sustainable transportation options throughout the county while addressing traffic congestion and pollution caused by vehicle emissions.
To inform Orange County residents about mobility hubs and what they can look like in the community, OCTA will conduct a webinar on Oct. 7, 2021 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and weigh in on what they would like to see in mobility hubs.
Learn more about mobility hubs and sign up for the webinar here.