Octa's transportation blog

CEO Addresses Declining Ridership from Every Angle in Industry Publication

In Transit California, the monthly e-magazine of the California Transit Association, OCTA CEO Darrell Johnson discussed the background of OC Bus 360° initiative and some of the results:

“While overall ridership continues to be a challenge, OCTA has seen positive gains in areas where the agency has focused on improving service through the OC Bus 360° program.

The next year in Orange County, overall bus ridership declined 3 percent compared to the same period a year earlier. But that’s a slower decline than the nationwide average of a 4.2 percent ridership drop.

More specifically, OCTA saw bus ridership increase nearly 20 percent (19.6 percent as of September 2017 compared to a year earlier) on routes in the core area of the county where service was improved. As of March of this year, the improved routes collectively had 11,700 average weekday boardings – about a 15 percent increase over the same period a year earlier.”

The article also touches on other innovations including the OC Streetcar and OC Flex that OCTA is introducing to keep Orange County moving aboard other public transit options.

Read the article here.