Octa's transportation blog

ACCESS Paratransit Vehicles Go Green

More zero-emission vehicles are headed to local streets thanks to OCTA’s purchase of ten battery-electric paratransit vans that will replace an equal number of gasoline-powered cutaway buses in the OC ACCESS program.

OC ACCESS provides nearly 1 million boardings annually, serving bus riders with physical or cognitive disabilities.

OCTA is committed to delivering transit service with a 100 percent zero-emission fleet by 2040. Along the way, OCTA is testing hydrogen fuel cell electric buses and plug-in battery electric buses to determine which technology, or mix of technologies, will provide the best service on Orange County streets.

Introducing battery-electric vans to the zero-emission pilot program will enable OCTA to gain necessary operational and technological experience with paratransit vehicles in preparation for transitioning the OC ACCESS fleet to 100 percent zero emission.

Learn more here about OCTA’s journey to a healthier and more sustainable bus fleet for Orange County that helps the region reduce its greenhouse gas emissions while improving the experience of riders.