Octa's transportation blog

$40 Million Available to Improve Streets and Reduce Congestion

Traveling through Orange County will be smoother than ever thanks to $40 million available for projects that enhance street operations and reduce congestion. The funding comes from OC Go (also known as Measure M), Orange County’s half-cent sales tax for transportation improvements.

Cities and the county can propose projects through the Measure M Regional Capacity Program and the Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program to improve traffic flow and provide intersection improvements. Both competitive programs are funded by OC Go. Up to $32 million is available for street improvements and up to $8 million for signal synchronization projects.

The Regional Capacity Program funds intersection improvements and other projects to help reduce congestion. The Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program provides funding to time traffic lights on long stretches of streets that can run through multiple cities throughout the county.

Project applications are due by October 24 and are expected to be selected by the OCTA Board of Directors in the spring.  Learn more here.